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Writer: rupal kantrupal kant

The mercury retrograde shadow period ends tomorrow ! That means you can now expect some cool and calms in the energy until the next retrograde. The month of June this year is hosting two major retrogrades.Now comes the bigger question - what to expect next ? So lets dive right in and see what's coming ahead for you post this mercury shadow period.

ARIES - The brave , independent , assertive , impulsive and the one's you can't restrict.

Post mercury retrograde shadow period emotional well being will be of the highest priority to you. Despite having the resources to understand and empathise with others , you will choose to focus on yourself and your self work. A deep realisation of the fact that you were deeply involved with somebody who did not reflect or does not reflect the same kind of energy back to you will push you towards running away from them and focusing on things that are for your highest ( this can be the case for both relationship or friendships ).A lot of resentment and anger developed inside you during the mercury retrograde and specially in this heavy shadow period. You will be now thus working on yourself and will focus dedicatedly on releasing that stuck and stagnant energy. On the career front there is still going to be some struggle and you might feel that the world is against you and this is going to be mainly because you ignored your work front for a very long time , wanting to just seek balance in your personal relationships has created the energy of disharmony and chaos on the career front. I see now majorly you will focus on getting yourself back to track. As of now I will just guide you by saying you are trying to hard , only a little bit of ease can give you the clarity and the path you are looking for. Patience is your key. Nothing else will help you.

TAURUS - The one's with the heightened sensual energy , good taste , stubborn , dedicated but down to earth and pleasure loving.

A sense of strong motivation and dedication will take over you post this mercury retrograde shadow period. The laid back attitude and the lazy energy will now leave your body. The confidence that you had in yourself in the past was lost somewhere in this mercury shadow period. You will majorly be working now towards restoring that , along with building a healthy ego and self belief. There are still conflicting influences in your life that needs to be addressed as soon as possible because delays any longer can harm you in the longer run. Understand that building a control over timing is essential right now, get back to making a schedule and setting dead lines again for yourself. If this mercury retrograde pulled you in two different direction , its now that you finally decide what it is. Let logic take over your emotional side. A lot of travel can be observed throughout the end of this year.You need to work on expanding your social circle with like minded people. One of the major reasons why your growth is stagnant is because you are lacking a competitive dialogue in your life.You haven't being giving yourself enough self reflection time.

GEMINI - The one's with multiple talents, multitasker's , little mischievous , dynamic vibrant personality.

You have being giving out of your capacities to everyone around you , since too long. Stop,stop,stop now ! Ask yourself how many people stood for you during this mercury retrograde and its shadow period ? You can't be generous to everyone , you can't always drop down everything to go and help people , who will never do the same for you. This self less giving has to stop now because if you don't work on this next mercury retrograde is going to get major losses and uneasyness to you. Only give as much as you get in return. Not less , not more.You have to work on conquering your fears around abandonment issues and not being accepted by people. You don't have to impress people to make them stay with you , all you have to do is be your true self. There is conflict and hostility in your life because people around you are playing power games ,your feelings and efforts are being dishonoured thus is it important for you now to understand when to draw boundaries and when to stop giving. Please understand you are being exploited because of your over giving and hardworking nature. The only way to move forward without being a part of unnecessary conflict and drama is going to be by focusing on yourself , putting your interest above and giving limited access of your energy to people.

CANCER - Sensitive , forgives easily , hates to argue , friendly , emotional , empathetic.

Indeed mercury retrograde was a major eye opener for you.You saw realities of people around you , who you never thought could hurt you. Post this shadow period these people friends or family are going to make a return in your life. How your life goes on from here is in your hands , these people are only going to make a return to exploit the good in you. Do you wanna fall in the same patters ? or do you want to move on and look out for better things in life? Whatever decision you take , I will just like to remind you that if somebody can do it once , they can do it again. You need to fight against the temporary comfort and temptations which these people have to offer you. Great success and accomplishments are coming forward for you post this shadow period.You will get the results of your hardwork and recent efforts that you have made.You need to work on self confidence and self belief. A new full-filling , intimate honest relationship is on your way , but are you ready to accept it ? Have you worked on letting go of the past ? A fresh new energy will not be able to enter your life , until you make room for it. Break free of patterns , immense happiness in on its way to you . Do not stop it from coming to you.

LEO - The dominating , creative , strong , popular and likes to do things in your own way.

Amazing , a new fresh energy . This retrograde period ends with gifting you good news.New creative idea's can pop up in your mind and I see you planning a new venture ahead. I see until now you were not so confident but now a sudden rush of optimism and courage will build up an enthusiasm. If you are facing any problems now rather than running away from them , I see you standing strong and facing them.Even if you don't realise it now you are ready to face the challenges. Communication is going to play an important role now , as I see you opening your heart without any hesitation and being vocal about what it is that you actually want. Its in the nature of your sign to put yourself first and when you start acting against this nature , that is when things start going down hill for you. If ideas of joint ventures and partnerships is coming into your mind , stop them now. You dominating nature and individuality is what makes you a perfect leader. Don't mix personal and professional relationships because mixing that never ends well for you.

VIRGO - Likes to please everyone , always jumps to help other people , creative , sensitive , emotional.

Whatever had to ended in your life , ended in this mercury retrograde. Remember the uneasiness and the discomfort it gave you , do you wanna go back to feeling the same ? This post shadow period will help you gain back your lost individuality. This is the time for you to shine bright in your personal light and not to transfer your light to those who will only push you deep into darkness. Understand that you are not a rehabilitation program for people with no sense of self and lack of awareness. Your lack of faith and belief in yourself in the past resulted in loss of opportunities , do you still wanna fall back to that pattern ? Or at least now you have learnt the lesson ? Don't keep high expectations and ideals with people around you , as they might disappoint you. Whatever you have been through , emotional , mental or physical pain you are now prepared to move on. Be cautious of people around you , as there is still a little bit of vulnerability in you right now and they can take advantage of it.Go after whatever it is that you want , and don't stop until you get it. The time slowly is turning into your favour.

LIBRA - Adventurous , confused , indecisive , irresistable , complicated .

There is some kind of burden that you are carrying , In this mercury retrograde too much work , too much responsibilities and too many things might have crawled up in your plate. Post this mercury shadow face , now you will feel so wrapped up in the burdens of life that you will start feeling directionless , deviated from your goal. This is the time for you to lighted up yourself , a little bit. You need to work on taking some time for yourself and devote yourself to your personal journey as well. This routine life is killing your sense of inner wellness. I see a little bit of an uphill struggle coming for you , you might find blaming yourself. You need to stop feeling guilty , responsible and overly committed to people and situations because it is now suffocating you. Its alway you who is putting more work than your capacity. Stop multi tasking , as you have taken enough on your plate.You are mentally blocked , over extending beyond your limits . Work and focus towards opening your blocked mind and limited perspective. A little troublesome time ahead , if you don't work on sorting this work load now. Chances are that too much work load has created a sense of anxiety and stress in you , and you might be running away from the work load.

SCORPIO - Self obsessed , powerful , secretive , dominating , self sufficient and mysterious.

During this mercury retrograde you might have felt disorganised to a level where it would have been difficult for you to organise yourself and make the right , timely decisions. Post this shadow period I see you stepping into more organised and dedicated energy towards doing the right things and right efforts when it comes to your work front.The lazy and sloppy kind of lifestyle will now be replaced with a burst of energy and motivation. Giving too much importance to people around has now blurred your efficiency. You need to spend less time socialising or just resting and more time committing yourself to your work , otherwise the opportunities will slip away from your hands. Stop being possessive about materialism around you because when you over obsess over things , they tend to repel you. Just systematically work according to a plan and nothing can stop you from success. Prosperity and abundance is knocking right at your door , don't stop it from coming towards you by constantly questioning the universe as to why you can't see it or experience it. If some one has been giving you a mean , miserable vibe understand that their energy might be stopping you from succeeding ahead. Cut the bad vibes and do not entertain them. You need to work on control issues and learn to accept that possessiveness is rooted in a fear of change and emotional security.

SAGITTARIUS - Loving , open mined , time to time cold and insensitive and organised.

During this mercury retrograde an extreme sense of self pity and feeling as if life is going against you would have been a dominating emotion. Post this shadow period you will see an end of tough cycles and beginning of new cycles.The bigger questions now are - are you ready to liberate your self out of old patterns ? , can you work on leaving behind past behaviours ? , Are you ready to drop the emotional baggage ? because I see you have been too comfortable carrying them with you. You need to understand that this right now , is a time for you to say goodbye to old you. It's time to now declutter your life, you have been holding to people and things that you no longer need for a really , really long time now. Since long you have been over exaggerating your problems , to avoid dealing with them.You need to step out of the isolation zone that you have put yourself in. Stop telling yourself again and again that you can do all the things alone and that you don't need anyone else.Post this shadow period prepare yourself for a change of heart , be ready to wear your heart on your sleeve and to face the new you.

CAPRICORN - Hardworking , dedicated , caring , loving , straightforward , stubborn and extremely helpful.

You need to understand that lately you have been too sacrificing , you need to now change your priorities.Mentally you might be feeling as if life right now is like a cryptic puzzle that you are trying to solve. You are livid and imbued with frustration asking yourself again and again as to why even after so many efforts you are still feeling stuck. This is because you need to right now slow down and stand back. Energetically you are exhausted, since so long , you have been doing so much that now you are in constant cease fire and clash with your inner self. Post this mercury retrograde shadow phase now your extremely fast moving life , will get little bit steadiness and calmness. You should consider taking a small trip or a getaway for yourself because everything is fine around you , you are just paranoid because you have trapped yourself under workload to avoid dealing with your true emotions. In the process of doing to much for other people , you have lost your inner self and your true emotions.Its time to let go of emotional baggage and release yourself from pain and emotional hurt because now you need to open your mind to living in the present moment and not for past or worrying about future. Capricorn's its you who is dulling your magic and not the other people around you. Step into your power.

AQUARIUS - Creative , innovative , admired , sets trends but lazy and inconsistent.

I see you spent the entire mercury retrograde seeking for inner wisdom and motivation.Post this mercury retrograde shadow period you need to understand that its important , rather necessary for you to embrace the parts of you that you try to keep secret.The answers that you are trying to look for outside are within you and will come from inside you so stop blaming other people for everything and start taking responsibility of your actions.You stopped your self from moving ahead , it was nobody else who forced you to stop , you stopped because you over exaggerated the situations and ran away from them. I now see you facing the problems and dealing with them , rather than running away from them.Its time to carefully reflect and make decisions that you have avoided since so long. Do not take a step back and fall into past patterns , behaviours and emotions other wise you will be a forgotten chapter and it will be very late to make things right.If you have chosen to forget certain people or things of the past , let it stay like that. Don't entertain drama or negative vibes.This is a time to start afresh.You have a chance now for new opportunities in front of you. Don't let them go waste. Start working on childlike exuberance in you so that you can commit to yourself to long term plans.

PISCES - Loves freedom , sensitive , afraid of being abandoned , balanced and caring.

During mercury retrograde you might have found yourself stuck in the complexities of relationships.You might have found yourself falling deeper in love , feeling wounded , faced some kind of betrayal or might have just been simply bored.Post this shadow period I see you building barriers , shutting the doors . pulling down the curtains or even cutting away from the world to further avoid facing complexities. You may take everything personally and might be feel like you are the only one who always ends up hurt , the one who is always blamed , the one who is left unloved. Ignoring things , rather than dealing with them further proves that you are emotionally stuck.Take some time to reflect but do it in a positive way , with a positive outlook.You are being so defensive and self absorbed right now that you are not able to consider the opportunities that universe has to offer you.Understand that right now some serious self reflection is necessary but it will only help you if you do it with honesty because only with positive focus you can restore balance in your life.You are lacking a positive relationship with yourself and drowning yourself in self doubt Understand you deserve the best and don't settle for anything else no matter how long it takes.



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