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Writer: rupal kantrupal kant
"One of the best feeling in the world is when you are actually able to cut loose of your feelings and attachment for people that aren't good for your soul "

Now many of you are going to think that probably this is going to be a blog where we talk about moving on from romantic relationships but to your surprise in this blog I am going to talk about how suddenly one day the friends or that one particular friend you think that you can never let go off , just one day mean nothing to you. Believe me when I say it - you can actually loose feelings overnight. You will feel like you wanna fight and push away the urge that gives you that sudden adrenal rush to go on a war , confront , crib , shout and talk it out but somewhere from within you will come a voice that tells you it does not matter anymore.You no longer will be interested in knowing the if's , buts and most importantly the why's?

Off-course when the friendship is new it's all fun , hanging out , getting to know each other and building trust. I think its in that time that a person understands what is and what is not acceptable to the other person. When everything is new you just try to stay connected by respecting other persons boundaries and everything. The real test of your friendship arrives when a little time passes by and now you know the person inside out. Its both good and scary at the same time that somebody out there knows almost everything about you. Now comes the toughest part maybe one day you had a fight with this person , maybe you just grew apart a little bit or maybe everything was fine between you but your friend made new friends. It is in this exact moment god shows us who our actual real friends are. If you did something for somebody while you were friends with them and then shout it out to the whole world about what you did for them, makes you the worst friend ever in the history of friends. Whats more worst is that if you are still connected to that person , you call them your dearest friend but still go shouting it out to the world " spilling the hot tea " , I am sorry but that just makes you a bad person.

If you are somebody dealing with such toxic friendships in your life - I am just here to tell you that its ok to let go. You don't have to hold on to such friends just because you are scared of being alone or just because you have known that person since a really really long time.I understand that some of you don't want to entertain drama or end things with a conflict and that's completely fine , its completely normal. Just understand that its ok to leave such people behind without any explanation , its ok to just cut them off and move on in peace because what's the whole point ?

" Some thing you need to learn about people is , if they can do it once , they will do it again " Talking about you is completely different than always finding up ways to keep you as the hot topic.

Attachment and feelings can be difficult to leave and honestly no one openly seems to talk about how these feelings can fade away as fast as a blink of an eye.When we are unhappy with how things are in our friendship it is easy to overthink on what we are not getting from the friendship and also on what they are not doing for us. I know we should always try to be supportive of our friends , because we cannot expect anything from our friend that we are not willing to give ourselves to them but when you feel that internally something has happened which you never did to that person or something that you didn't expect out of that person and for you that is not forgiveable , do a favour to your friend and release them from the baggage of half effort or zero effort friendship what would be coming ahead from your end. Its is okay to let go and move on you are not answerable to anybody.

So if you are somebody going through similar emotions or if a friend of yours has suddenly stopped talking to you without confronting you or giving you an answer just let them be. For your higher good move on with your own life , focus on yourself , your work and your self growth and maybe avoid doing this to other people next time. As for those who are in the process of leaving toxic friendships behind just know there are enough people in the world and you will meet wonderful lovely souls out there but next time don't over share and stick to your boundaries. Most importantly don't mix personal and proffesional. Understand that either you can be friends or you can be co-workers - you can never be both.

Lastly , its completely fine to be in cordial terms with people . Not always moving on means blocking , unfollowing , deleting numbers or stoping to completely talk. Sometimes moving on can be I see you , I am happy for you , I wish you the very best from afar but I choose to no longer entertain you or devote my time and energy for you. I am not saying you will not miss them or you will not feeling like talking to them like old times , you will! You will miss everything you did together , you will miss the fun and happy times , you will miss the times they loved you and held you when you were vulnerable and you needed them the most but if ever you think about going back to them replay the feeling in your mind when you herd that they talked bad about you or they let out your secrets to the world when you actually just had a small fight , a small argument ,a miscommunication , maybe you just simply grew apart ,or they made new friends. That feeling , that stab and pain in the heart is not worth your time and energy. If you can't trust and respect somebody there is no point being friends with them and this my friends is the hardest lesson to learn in life , which we always learn the hard way through self experience.


1 Comment

Sakshi Bansode
Sakshi Bansode
Jun 13, 2022

Wow you’ve put it out so amazingly. We all have been there or going through this. Thanks for putting it out❤️

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