The full moon will be in Sagittarius on June 14 - right before the summer solstice.

When the sky is clear ,the sea is calm and the full moon rising is the only divine light you see. Leave whatever you are doing , leave it aside just sit and watch the light - it will help you reach the land of pure wisdom and connect you with your honest truest emotions.
The full moon is a time of gratitude , sagittarius calls for a time to share abundance and even attract more of it at the same time. With mercury entering into Gemini on 13th of June 2022 things will start picking up speed now. From this full moon specifically you can expect the uneasy , restless , lazy energy leaving your body and a bubble and blast of fresh motivated energy building up around your aura. You will be more career oriented and you will be more focused on the career aspect as of now till the next new moon. Sagittarius happens to be the knowledge and learning loving zodiac, forever wandering in the search of new knowledge and skill sets. If you wanted to learn something new or wanted to go for a particular course this is your time . Go for it ! Learning new things will be on the horizon for all specially on the grounds of developing skill sets irrespective of whatever field or profession you are from.
This full moon is also a time for you to trust yourself and focus on positive mindset and work on building positive self image . Working on yourself is going to make your manifestations come true. This full moon will hit you up with a realisation that its you who is stopping yourself from getting whatever you want and deserve.The universe wants you to understand that it is looking out for you but the results for your manifestations will only start showing when you actually start looking out for yourself.
One of the most prominent emotion what is stuck in your head space is FEAR. It is the fear , fear of not knowing what's coming ahead. Well life is about unpredictability - If you constantly deprive yourself of not taking a step against the fear because the present situation is aligning with your comfort level . You will never be able to achieve what you actually deserve. This full moon is an opportunity for you to understand that since so long you have been making fear based decisions and that now is the time you actually stop doing that.
Some of the situations that you now start facing as the full moon approaches might make you feel negative , they can make you anxious and uneasy but that is only because you have been ignoring standing your ground and taking a stand for yourself since long. The lessons you may get out of these situations can be or can not be the outcomes that you expected out of those decisions. Throughout this Full Moon, you will feel like operating from a vibration of fear. Notice how fear affects your decisions and your ability to listen to your intuition. Understand that this full moon is not about doubting yourself but about trusting yourself.
Since full moons represent the lunar cycle’s grand finale you can expect a blast of energy , people from the past showing up with communication or visiting in your dreams. No you don't need to go back to that ex of yours its just the full moon playing with your emotions . Channelise you energy in the right direction and see how things work wonderfully for you.You will feel as if people are trying to come and create a conflict with you , attack you or trying to go behind your back - yes all of it is true . People are showing you their true colours , its you who has been ignoring it since so long. Let the people who you no longer well comfortable or welcomed with go. Don't hold on to anything that's not for you be it be situations , situationships , relationships or people in general.